Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wild Essay Approaches

Well, today is the last day to do my essay. I would have done it before but I've been procrastinating a lot. Plus it don't help when i meet up with some old friends from my university and one of those friends talks about the sci-fi horror game, 'Dead Space.' I saw 20 minutes of a Lets play of that game and it's one of those deals where you think you forgotten about something but time goes on and someone or something reminds you of what you tried to forget.

He mentioned the phrase 'make us whole again' which came up only once when watching the LP but still was unnerving. The images and 'music' were bone chilling as well. Seeing that Bazerker Running around on the bridge and watching Isaac loose oxygen in space, his body floating towards the dead moon but before he leaves the ship, one of the monsters rips off his leg with ease and runs off with it like a happy dog with a bone.

Then there is that damn music, freaking hell man. It's like that one scene from The Dark Knight when the Joker crashes Bruce's party and threaten Rachael. That one, dragged out cord from a violin is unnerving enough but when a video game's music composes nothing but that, that's when it's time to just walk the hell away.

I'll give the developers of that game credit, it does succeed is scaring the piss out of the play or anyone who watches the game play. I really shouldn't be talking about this crap right now before doing an essay, hell most of what i did see of Dead Space probably wasn't the worst of it and by all means should not scare me. I guess you could call it therapy and readying myself for the coming storm.

Oh and when i think of Dead Space i think of the DS comic's cover. That shit is freaky. I wont link to it directly but i'll link you to I-Mockery's weeklies page so you can hunt for it yourself.

I think what it is, is the fact i haven't been working on my essay much and I uses my fear of Dead Space to justify why my stomach and nerves are in knots. I have been working on it but a good chuck of it remains and i haven't slept right for the last couple of days.

You know, i'm wasting energy on this and should got get something to eat. I'll come back when my essay is done, wish me luck!

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